NASA astronauts performed the first teleoperation of a humanoid robot with PTI's VZ4050 Tracker!
On April 26, NASA astronauts performed the first teleoperation of a humanoid robot aboard the ISS
NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn spent much of his morning in the Destiny laboratory working with Robonaut 2, the first humanoid robot in space. After setting up Robonaut in the lab, Marshburn donned telerobotics gear that included a special helmet and gloves that allowed him successfully to command the robot by having it copy his movements. This capability will allow the astronauts to make real-time decisions and control Robonaut's actions from inside the station. Robonaut was designed with the intention of eventually taking over tasks deemed too dangerous or mundane for astronauts, perhaps even venturing outside the complex. - NASA
For more information, go to:
- Crew Starts Week With Robotics, Spacewalk Preps - April 8, 2013
- Weekly Recap From the Expedition Lead Scientist - May 17, 2013
- Learn more about PTI's VZ4050 Tracker