Animation Applications

Streamline your workflow and take your animation & VR projects to new heights with the active optical MOCAP technology of PTI systems. You can capture body, face, and fingers in one single volume, with no marker errors.


Our systems have been used in:

  • CG animation
  • Computer games
  • Game input device
  • VFX production
  • Camera tracking
  • Motion directed music
  • Choreography
  • Interactive presentations


Multimedia Advantages

Facial Capture

A tracker has a position resolution of 1/90,000. A facial motion as small as 0.02 mm can be sensed up to 3 m from the tracker.

No data cleaning

Free yourself from data cleaning: each marker has one unique ID for flawless tracking and no possible marker swapping errors. Up to 512 markers can be tracked at the same time.

Export easily to major software

Motionbuilder, Maya, 3DMax, VRPN plugins available


Dare real-time motion capture: with a latency of just 0.0005s and error-free marker tracking, you can visualize and record your character motions in real-time, at high speed.

Capture it All

You can capture body, face, and fingers in one single volume, with no marker errors.

Capture 2 actors with only 4 trackers

Exclusive 90 degree horizontal and vertical sensing angle lets you capture more, with less hardware

Complex motions

Place trackers in any setup to capture the most complex motions: our trackers can sense at 90 degrees both horizontally and vertically, do not need flooding light to sense markers, and cannot blind each other.

Forget about calibration

Forget about calibration: Our multi-tracker systems calibrate automatically and will maintain calibration over the whole capture session.

Huge Capture Space

7x9m for one single tracker or 5x5 m with overlapping spaces.