Scientific Applications
Use a PTI Motion Capture System for your research and take advantage of its unique features. Our Visualeyez motion capture systems are built for research and science. Depending on your field of research, some specific features may be more relevant to you than others. See below 10 simple questions to help you decide on what you need most from your Motion Capture System.
What do I need?
Here are 10 simple questions to consider. Do you need...
Our H-series VZ10K trackers offer an accuracy of 0.10mm and can detect a position change as small as 0.015mm. Fully autonomous and continuous calibration for even a multi-tracker system (no need to waive any wand at all) is unique on the market, will keep your trackers calibrated at all times and maintain capture data accuracy.
All PTI trackers offer an exclusive 90-degree viewing angle. One SINGLE tracker can already capture targets over a 7x9x9m space! Using our 6-chip LED markers with 170-degree detection angle will maximize the capture range.
Then you need the short Visualeyez trackers! Only 62cm in length, a VZ10K5 tracker can capture targets as close as 25cm (still up to 7m distance), over a 90-degree viewing angle, both horizontally and vertically! These trackers are ideal for human factor analysis and control (VR) applications, inside automobiles, flight simulators, etc.
It is easy, and cost-efficient. Unique marker ID's ensure that no marker-swapping errors will ever occur. Depending on your application, more trackers can be added to capture motion details from more perspectives at any time. For subjects that will not flip or roll, e.g. UAVs, a single tracker can potentially capture hundreds of them over a 7x9x9m space simultaneously!
Capturing complex motions, e.g. fingers or full body flips and rolls, simultaneously would be an impossible task for especially passive motion capture systems due to marker swapping problems. Not for a Visualeyez system. You can capture intricate fingers AND full body motions at the same time, with no marker errors, in detail, and use your data in real-time.
A PTI system is portable, flexible and autonomous. Portable because each tracker can be transported easily with its tripod, setup in minutes, and start to capture without any calibration. Flexible because trackers can be setup in anyway you like, no need to prevent them from facing each other, no need to aim them top-down either. Autonomous because marker swapping will never happen, and automatic calibration frees you from having to repeatedly calibrate the system manually!
PTI systems are developed for real-time applications, of course this means they are also good for non-real-time applications too. Besides being able to identify each marker uniquely, without any error, the data output latency is < 0.0003s, perfect for applications requiring instant data feedback. SDK is also available for the most demanding control applications which must minimize the temporal effects of the computer OS.
Nothing is easier. A PTI system can be synchronized with any other equipment, (forceplates, EMG, etc) via a National Instruments data acquisition board. You can also synchronize your trackers with an eye-tracking device, or high speed cameras for video feedback if needed.
Our systems come with complete operation software and motion analysis software. Plugins for Matlab, Labview, Visual 3D, The Motion Monitor are also available, as well as for other software.
If you work in highly advanced fields that require real-time feedback to the motion capture subject(s), then you will enjoy using our haptic markers. In the standard form, these markers can send vibration stimuli to the subject(s) in real time during motion capture, allowing you to control their motions by 'touch'. For special applications, customization is available to make the feedback signals trigger other devices. Please inquire further with PTI on this possibility.
Our systems have been used in:
Universities and Research Centers use our Motion Capture Systems in the following fields:
- Biomechanics
- Gait Analysis
- Rehabilitation
- Sports Science
- Neuroscience
- Sensorimotor
- Behavorial Research Robotics
- Real-Time Control
- Telepresence
- Telecontrol
- Ergonomics
- Human Factor
- Assistive Technologies
- Mechatronics